PPS For Professionals

No external shareholders

<p>PPS is a mutually operated company that only serves its policyholders.</p>

<p>PPS members have board representation.</p>

<p>Every Namibian dollar of value that PPS creates goes to benefit members now and in the future.</p>

Unquestionable financial strength

<p>Financial strengths of PPS Namibia lies in its reserves, with over N$1. Billion in assets.</p>

<p>Proven financial stability and seamless claims process.</p>

<p>Focused on the long-term interest of current and future members.</p>

<p>More than N$168.7 Million allocated to members in Namibia in 2017.</p>

A unique pps profit-share account

<p>Members share in the net operating income and investment returns of PPS Namibia.</p>

<p>Claims and health status have no effect on profit sharing or the accumulated PPS Profit-Share Account.</p>

<p>The tax-free full benefit is available to members at retirement from age 60 or prior death.</p>

<p>Accumulated profits can be used as part of a retirement strategy.</p>

True global cover

<p>Covers travel or emigration.</p>

<p>There are no restrictions or loadings applied and there is no need to inform PPS of travel activities</p>